Super Happy Kitty
Super Happy Kitty

Super Happy Kitty has a cat who is struggling with bathing and doesn't know where to start. Be the guide and help the cat bathe.
Determine the extent of our assistance to our feline companions. Give your pet tasty treats and engage with him using entertaining toys. We offer the best cat-washing service available, and we'll take exceptional care of your pet throughout the process. After a bath, your pet will be clean, calm, and comfortable, an experience they will recall with fondness and pleasure. Our qualified professionals will attend to the grooming requirements of your cat. Fluffy is the most probable cat you have ever encountered. She is the most attractive of the group. Additionally, this adorable pet appreciates baths. Prepare to succumb to the allure of this beautiful cat. You will be thrust into a world where you must feed, hydrate, and otherwise care for some of the most beloved NPCs in our game. Prepare to provide them with your undivided attention and assistance as they strive to accomplish their goals.
How To Play
Take care of the pet by using the mouse to click on several alternatives and choose the appropriate one.